
Beauty Art Collective is one of the most valued locations in Nicelocal’s ‘Household Service’ lineup in Los Angeles. He received 18 scores from clients, with an average rating of 4.8. The company can be found at the official address: United States, Los Angeles, CA 90029, 4358 Melrose Ave.

GPS coordinates are: longitude – 118 ° 17′44.74′W (-118.295759), latitude – 34 ° 5′0.31′N (34.083419).

Find detailed information about Beauty Art Collective Prices, Services, Hours, Phone number, Email, holiday hours and Near me locations.

Services Offered by Beauty Art Collective

  • Haircut
  • Hair Style & Design
  • Highlight
  • Balayage
  • Hair Color
  • Hair Essential

About Beauty Art Collective

Beauty Art Collective is open for business through this schedule: Mon: 12PM – 5PM; Tue-Fri: 9AM – 7PM; Sat: 9AM – 6PM. You can learn more by calling +1 (323) 928-24-25. Other information can be found by visiting the website:

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