
Salon Ka-terra is found in Huntsville, Alabama and was founded in 1992. At this location, Salon ka-terra employs about 6 people. The business operates within the following industries: Hairdresser. Salon ka-terra’s annual sales are around USD 150,000.00.

Find detailed information about Salon Ka-Terra Prices, Services, Hours, Phone number, Email, holiday hours and Near me locations.

Services Offered by Salon Ka-Terra

  • Hair Cuts
  • Hair Color
  • Highlights & Styles
  • keratin treatments
  • facial waxing

About Salon Ka-Terra

They offer haircuts, color, Ombre, balaclavas, highlights, keratin treatments and facial waxing. They also offer a proper hairstyle for your special event.

Their mission at Aveda is to require care of the planet they sleep in, from the products they create to how we repay to society. At Aveda, they strive to line an example for environmental leadership and responsibility, not only within the world of beauty, but throughout the globe.


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